We Are Here To Help
We are a manufacturer of outdoor bags & backpacks,survival kit,survial gear. We help brand owners and wholesalers to enhance their brand and profit from their business - fast!
We are capable of fully customizing outdoor bags, backpacks ,survival kit and other gear in line with our clients' needs. And we are determined to produce quality outdoor products that have a lasting impact.
Contact us and you'll get:
· A free stock sample if you need it.
· Up-to-date design for your unique outdoor products.
· Professional advice on outdoor product customization.
· MOQ lower than 200 PCS depending on your projec
NingBo SaiWei Outdoor Products Co.,Ltd
t. +86-574-82836050
e. sales@superwaycn.com www.camptekoutdoor.com
w. www.superwaycn.com w.superway.en.alibaba.com
a. No.367.East BuZheng Rd, JiShiGang Town,Haishu,NingBo,315171.china
Company Location
No.367.East BuZheng Rd, JiShiGang Town,Haishu,NingBo,315171.china
Company Telephone
E-mail Address